Module 3: Ancillary links, resources and/or materials


This link provides a lecture by David Crystal on the problem of language death in the society. Since language shift is the first step of language death, the purpose of this link is to share the opinion of a researcher in the field of linguistics on how language loss can be a problem for all.

The purpose of this link is to provide a video that discusses the critical importance of maintaining the world’s many threatened languages and the vital knowledge of each language holds. With this link the aim is to reflect on what other things are missing when a language is lost through language shift.

With this link, visitors of the website can see the journal article by David Harrison, which discusses some of the consequences of language loss.

            4. Endangered languages

This link provides more information on endangered languages, and the possible consequences of losing a language.

The purpose of this link is to provide an article written by Fishman, who discusses the possible effects of losing your heritage language.

            6. What is language loss?

This link provides an article that explains what language loss is, the main reasons for language loss, and the consequences of it. Additionally, it mentions how families are affected by their heritage language loss provoked by a linguistic shift.

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